Monday, July 30, 2012

Terms of Endearment

We all call each other by nicknames, terms of endearment and sometimes worse.  We rarely go by our given names and even if we do it is usually a shortened version of the name that's on our birth certificate.  Take a minute and think about it and I'll bet you can list at least 3 names you are called on a regular basis that are not the one your mother so fondly gave you at birth.  For example, my birth certificate says Katherine and the only time I can recall being called that was when I was pregnant and I said "fuck" and my grandmother slammed her hand on the table and yelled, "Katherine Elizabeth your baby is going to come out and the first word he/she is going to say is going to be fuck or fuck".  She was angry, I could tell by the use of my full name and the fact that she just dropped the F bomb, twice so I didn't bother telling her that her statement didn't make complete sense.  Everything has a time and a place.

Usually people call me Katie, Kate, Drisc or if you are one of the 3 little Driscoll's you call me mommy.  Then there is Teb, my hubalicious, and he has called me all sorts of things over the years.  When you've been with someone for more than half of your life you tend to shake things up a bit every so often.  You never know when a new name might come up.  I mean when I yelled, "Kevo" down the basement stairs about two years ago I never expected #2 to imitate me and yell "Tebo" which led to his current nickname.  Of course I shortened it to Teb which led him to calling me Tate.  However; even that name evolved though I'm not sure how.  The other day I was cleaning the pool while Teb and his brother-in-law were working on our deck and he yelled, "how's it going there Taint?".  My brother-in-law laughed and said, "did you just call your wife Tank?".  I.Was.Horrified.  NO he didn't call me Tank!  He calls me Taint.  I call him Teb and he calls me Taint.  Duh.  This is about the time when he just stood there staring at me with a dumb look on his face.  Then it occurred to me--I just yelled at him like Tank was the worst thing to be called and yet I respond to and let me husband call me "Taint".  However; if you keep it clean, it taint that bad is it?

What is the weirdest thing you've been called as a term of endearment?

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